Marka Garcia

Marka Garcia


Squat: 200 lbs

Clean & Jerk: 115 lbs

Deadlift: 265 lbs

Snatch: 100 lbs

Overhead Squat: 135 lbs.


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

CrossFit Level 2 Certification

Brand X Kids Certification

About Coach

I have always had a love for teaching and coaching. I was a competitive gymnast when I was younger and became a gymnastics coach as my first job. My favorite thing about coaching people is watching them succeed. I love being around kids and am a licensed teacher for grades K–6. I am grateful for the opportunity to continue coaching both children and adults in CrossFit. Lifting weights and completing workouts that you never thought you could do is so empowering. Empowering others to do hard things inside the gym usually leads to people doing hard things outside of the gym. That is a win for me.

Turning Point

I started CrossFitting in 2012, after having my second child. I enjoyed feeling like an athlete again and learning new skills while also being reunited with gymnastics (I was a competitive gymnast and loved the transition from gymnastics to CrossFit). I continued to do CrossFit when I was pregnant with my third child, and it was the easiest pregnancy and birth of the three. When I was studying to take my CrossFit Level 1 test, it talked about heart disease and diabetes and how even if you are genetically predisposed, you can take control over whether or not you get them. The CrossFit Level 1 training guide states, "Eat a diet of meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Do that, and you are exempt." (CrossFit Level 1 Training Guide, p. 47) Once I read this statement, I knew that what I had been told my whole life—that I am genetically predisposed to getting diabetes—was actually something that I could control if I changed the way I ate. I have learned to prepare and cook delicious meals that are healthy and cost-effective, as well as found an even greater love for CrossFit and the process it has taken me through these last 5 years. I have lost over 40 pounds, and I am in the best health of my life.

Motivation & Passion

My mission is to be the first in my family to NOT get type II diabetes while, along the way, helping others fight against this disease and many others as well.

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